Pinon wants to recognize our Boys Basketball teams and Cheer teams for their hard work and commitment throughout the season.

Mrs. Vigil's entire 3rd grade class and the STEM/Science Fair Club had nine participants in the Pinon School-wide Science Fair. From the school science fair we had several participants and teams make it to the District Science Fair where the students made a good showing winning several Judge's Choice Awards as well as an Honorable Mention.

Our February Caught Being Good students.

As a precautionary measure following PNM's notice of a potential power shutdown on Thursday, March 6 (due to high winds), Santa Fe Public Schools will implement the District’s inclement weather procedures and shift to a remote learning and work day. This will allow us to ensure the health and safety of all.
Additionally, we must comply with state-required instructional hours and avoid extending the school year beyond the scheduled final day of school.
Please ensure that students are prepared for remote learning tomorrow, and stay safe.
For more information, see: https://5il.co/39nqg
Como medida de precaución luego del aviso de PNM sobre un posible corte de energía el jueves 6 de marzo (debido a fuertes vientos), las Escuelas Públicas de Santa Fe implementarán los procedimientos del Distrito para las inclemencias del tiempo y cambiarán a un día de trabajo y aprendizaje remoto. Esto nos permitirá garantizar la salud y la seguridad de todos.
Además, debemos cumplir con las horas de instrucción requeridas por el estado y evitar extender el año escolar más allá del último día de clases programado.
Asegúrese de que los estudiantes estén preparados para el aprendizaje remoto mañana y manténgase a salvo.
Para obtener más información, consulte: https://5il.co/39nqg

Read across America Week.

Come join us for Family STEAM Night.

Caught Making Good Choies for the month of January. Great Job!

Celebrating Black History Month.

Yearbook sales have begun! Flyers with ordering instructions were sent home with students. (It is also attached to this message so you can print it if it has been lost.)
Yearbooks will be distributed to students at the end of the school year but you must order now to reserve your copy!

All SFPS schools are on a 2-hour delay for Tuesday, January 21st, due to extremely cold temperatures from the forecasted arctic blast in the morning.
Bus schedules will also run 2 hours later than usual. Please make sure your student(s) are not dropped off before the delayed start, as staff will not be on campus. Full-day Pre-K programs are delayed by 2 hours, while morning Pre-K is canceled. Afternoon Pre-K programs will continue as scheduled.
Stay safe and take necessary precautions. Thank you for your understanding.
Todas las escuelas de SFPS tienen un retraso de 2 horas para el martes 21 de enero debido a las temperaturas extremadamente frías causadas por la explosión ártica pronosticada para la mañana. Los horarios de los autobuses también funcionarán 2 horas más tarde de lo habitual. Asegúrese de que no dejen a sus estudiantes antes del inicio retrasado, ya que el personal no estará en el campus. Los programas de Pre-K de día completo se retrasan 2 horas, mientras que el Pre-K de la mañana se cancela. Los programas de Pre-K de la tarde continuarán según lo programado. Manténgase a salvo y tome las precauciones necesarias. Gracias por su comprensión.

Alexis Castillo wrote an essay to win the guitar. Thank you Paul Mata & Gary Gorence

The Pinon staff would like to say Thank You to the generous staff at What The Truck. They donated a delicious lunch for our staff. Thank you Kayleen Pacheco - Dixson Zamora- Gerardo Duran- kitchen
Andrea McQuillan, Christina Caruso, jack March, Isabel Lobozzo, Chris Silvas, Caitlen Jasper- front of house staff deliveries
Victoria Bruneni owner
what THE truck.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year'

Pinon Elementary would like to give a shout out to Melinda Garcia and Ian Padilla-Salazar. They delivered gifts for 9 Piñon students this morning. The NM Educational Retirement Board and the HR Division of the General Services Department sponsored 9 children this holiday season to ensure they had a Happy Holiday!

Winter Break dates to remember.

Today our school recognized our Girls Basketball teams, our chess club, and our Electric Car Challenge. They all worked so hard and gave up their free time after school to be part of one of these programs.

Our Kindergarten classes want to wish you all a Happy Holidays. Their performance tonight was festive.

Our SAGE students are having a Toy Drive. This is to benefit the SFPS Adelante Program. Please support them by donating a toy.

Our 3rd grades surprised us with our own Macy Day Parade. The balloons were fun and very creative.

Fun day at Pinon. Teachers animal races.

Today at Pinon we Celebrated the end to our Annual Fun Run! These students were our top contributors.
Thank you to all that helped make 2024-2025 successful.